Top Ten Tuesday – Authors Whose Books I Will Pick Up If I see Them

The original topic for this week was “authors I’d love a new book from.” This was a nice flexible topic, but I felt that it would be difficult for me to think of ten authors of whom I’ve both read all of their books and am eagerly waiting for the next one. Not only this, but I’ve been pushing my writing a little bit so that I can submit a bunch of my work soon. I wanted to make this an easier topic for me.

I have a mental list of authors who if I see any of their work on sale or at the library I will immediately pick them up. This list includes big fantasy authors, some authors who write more literary works, and classical authors. That’s part of why my TBR list is so long because, with at least a few of these authors, their work goes on sale all the time. This is a list of ten authors from that list. 

By the way, this post is a part of Top Ten Tuesday which is currently being run by That Artsy Reader Girl. Here is my list.

1. Brandon Sanderson

The first one is pretty easy. Last year I read a lot of Brandon Sanderson’s work. It was the year of Sanderson and I had participated in the Kickstarter the year before. I had pledged enough to get all of the Secret Project ebooks before they went on the market. I enjoyed every single one of them. On top of that, I read a good chunk of his Skyward series, and two and a half novels of the Stormlight Archive. I’m now eagerly awaiting the next installment of that series.

By the way, I also pledged to the Backerkit project this year because there was a new Secret Project that was a part of the Words of Radiance special edition campaign. I’m only getting the Secret Project and Dragon Steel. Honestly, I think that having supported two campaigns that had new novels available, Brandon Sanderson is a good example of my “will always buy new books from” list.

2. Neil Gaiman

I have yet to read anything by Neil Gaiman that I’ve truly hated. Though the only books from him I’ve read in the last few years were a couple of comics, if I see anything written by him I have to pick it up. I recently bought a collection of his short fiction that I will read eventually. I also got a Humble Bundle a while ago that had a bunch of different comics written by him.

Also, another reason I like Neil Gaiman a lot is because I see him as a writing role model. The Ocean at the End of the Lane is a book that inspires me to write. I should reread it someday, once I get a handle on my TBR list.

3. Isaac Asimov

I’ve been trying to read more classic science fiction lately, and because of that, I’ve picked up a few Asimov novels that were on sale. Recently I read The Stars, Like Dust, which had a big twist at the end that surprised me, but which I should have seen coming. It made me want to read more of his work. There are at least a few novels by him floating around in my TBR jar because I saw Isaac Asimov and had to pick that book up.

4. James S.A. Corey

It’s the same with James S.A. Corey. I don’t have much of a desire to watch the Expanse show, however I want to read the books. I’ve picked up a few of his books because I saw them on sale. Now I will get started on the Expanse series whenever I have the time. I’m excited to read another big science fiction series.

5. Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie is the one classic author whose books I will buy immediately if I find them on sale. I want to read through all of her books because I’m a fan of a good mystery and some of her books are famous. She has a lot of books so it’s probably going to take a while to finish reading them all.

6. Leigh Bardugo

I have had people recommend reading the Shadow and Bone series for a while. I also discovered the Alex Stern series last year. Finally this year I ended up getting Shadow and Bone in a blind date with a book event at my library, and much more recently I’ve read The Familiar a little over a month after it was published. I’m impressed by how every book I’ve read by her feels so different. Shadow and Bones is like a dark fairy tale. The Alex Stern series is a contemporary fantasy series with a more occult feeling power system. The Familiar was a historical love story where the magic felt secretive.

Because of how I’ve read all of these novels, I will read any book by her as soon as it becomes available to me at the library. If I can’t read the physical copy I will just go on Libby.

7. T.J. Klune

T.J. Klune is another author who has multiple books that I’ve enjoyed reading. The first book by him I’ve read was Under the Whispering Door which I can describe as kind of like A Christmas Carol only with Scrooge being a ghost. It’s a story of redemption. In the Lives of Puppets was the second book, and not only did it have an asexual protagonist which is something that usually impresses me, but it was also a story of self-discovery. I’m excited for the sequel to The House in the Cerulean Sea that’s coming out in September this year.

8. Django Wexler

So far I have read a total of four books by Django Wexler. I the biggest fan of The Thousand Names, though I was interested enough to buy the second book in that series. It wasn’t until recently when I read through the Burningblade & Silvereye trilogy that it hooked me. Now I’m going to eventually go back to his other work and I know for sure that if I find any of his other books on sale I will buy them. That’s actually how I started Burningblad & Silvereye. I found Ashes of the Sun on sale and then read it.

9. T. Kingfisher

I don’t usually get scared by horror novels, however, when I read The Hollow Places it creeped me out a lot. I shouldn’t have read it at night. From the books I’ve read, I think T. Kingfisher writes two types of books, dark fairy tales and retellings. I’m sure there are other types of books that I just haven’t gotten to yet. Every single novel I’ve read by her has been a novel I’ve enjoyed. I still have a lot of books by her to read, but I can look forward to them because I’m sure I’ll like them.

10. Andy Weir

Andy Weir doesn’t have that many books out, and I’ve read half of them already. I enjoyed both the Martian and Project Hail Mary, and I have Artemis sitting on my TBR list because I bought it when it was on sale. If I see that Andy Weir is publishing another novel, I’m sure that I will probably preorder it so I don’t have to wait to read it. Honestly, I think that this is one of the few authors who would have fit the original topic for this week without me having to go scrounging.


  1. lydiaschoch Avatar

    Andy Weir and Neil Gaiman are authors I’ll eagerly read from, too!

    Here is my <a href=”“>Top Ten Tuesday.</a>


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