A Dragon’s Alphabet – Chapter 24 – X is for Xenial – #AtoZChallenge

Paul stayed at the fort for a couple of weeks after Greene had defeated Timiditempestius. They spent each evening together just talking. They shared food. Paul taught Greene some human games though she they were mostly either unsuited for dragons or infuriating.

She roared in frustration. “How can you humans stand this game? It’s impossible to win!”

Paul replaced all the makeshift pieces and smiled softly. “If it’s impossible then how did I win.”

“It must be rigged! You have won ten times already. I’m done!” she roared.
Paul laughed. “What do dragons do for fun then?”


“I mean, do you have any games or anything that you know how to play? I mean from when you were a hatchling.”

She looked away. “Dragons don’t have games. All we do is learn and grow up until we fly away. Some young dragons enjoy a good play fight, but most of the fights between hatchlings are to see who is strongest.”

Greene felt Paul’s hand on her talon. “That’s fine. I can share all the games I know with you. Did you ever have any play fights when you were little?”

She laughed, heavy smoke pouring out of her mouth. “Of course not. I avoided them whenever I could. I wasn’t a very strong hatchling.”

“And now you are strong,” he added.

She rested her head on the ground. “Yes, but I wouldn’t have been able to beat him without your help.”

He shook his head. “Even without me, you are strong.”

She sighed. “Has anyone told you that you are very kind?”

She felt his hand tense up on her talon. His hand curled into a fist. “Yes.”

“That is what makes you strong,” she said quietly. “Please don’t take it as an insult.”

“It’s not a strength.”

“Think about it for a moment,” she said quietly. “Do you know anyone else who would rescue a dragon from captivity? Who would help a dragon defeat an evil wizard? I’ve never heard of either another human or any dragon who would risk themselves so much just to do something kind.”

“Anyone would have done it.”


“You’re right.” he sighed. “Thank you.”

She lifted her head and looked at him. His eyes looked damp with tears. “Thank you for being my friend.”

He smiled softly. “I’m going to take over Tempestuousness’s tower so I won’t be far away. I can visit you whenever I want.”

She nodded happily. Happy sparks flew from her mouth. “I expect you to visit at every chance you get. I think I will miss you in the fort.”

“I’ll stay a few more days, don’t worry.”

Over the next few days, she learned how to play even more human games. She enjoyed every second of the time she spent with her dear friend, even if she was never going to admit it.


  1. DB McNicol Avatar

    Hmmm, I think we need some dragon games. {grin}


    Liked by 1 person

    1. ecladragon Avatar

      Absolutely. They just need to get together long enough to create them


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