I’ve Read 100 Books in 2024 So Far

Yes, it’s only 11 days into June, not even at the start of the second half of the year and I’ve already managed to read 100 books. This is only half of my goal for this year. On Storygraph my current goal is to read at least 200 books this year. I’ve been using Storygraph a lot lately instead of Goodreads to track my reading and I have to say, I really like it even if I haven’t gotten to logging every book I own yet.

Now one of my favourite parts of Storygraph is how there is a good page for stats. It even gives you some nice graphs. I like stats. Now that I’m at 100 books I think now is a good time to look at one of these graphs. There is a mood graph which tells me that I read mostly adventurous, emotional, and dark books. There is a graph for all of the tags I can add to books. My favourite available graph is the one that shows me the different genres of all the books I read.

This is that graph.

Just looking at it you can see what my main genre is. That is fantasy. Looking at this graph it makes me think about how much better it would be if manga, graphic novels, and comics could be all grouped together or just left off the graph. They’re not exactly genres. I see them more as more visual forms of storytelling as compared to the more text based usual books. The main reason why I’ve read so much manga and graphic novels is because it doesn’t take me that long to read them so I can get through a lot more in one night.

The main takeaway I get from this graph is that I read a variety of books. I try not to discriminate against books unless it’s something that I know I won’t like such as erotica. I tend to gravitate towards certain types of books, but if I’m either handed a book or I’ve heard that a certain book outside of my favourite genres is really good, then I will at least give it a try. I also enjoy learning new things and reading about things that I already know which is where all the nonfiction books I read come from.

By the way, I also read books sometimes for challenges. Like I’m participating passively in the Popsugar Reading Challenge, and I’m doing a book bingo with my local library. My hundreth book completed was actually chosen specifically for the book bingo.

It was for a “give the author a 2nd chance” spot and the book was Subterranean by James Rollins. I had read his Moonfall series up to the latest published novel and I had some things to say about it. Then I realized that he was a thriller writer and I could see where some of my complaints were coming from. Then I decided that I would try one of his actual thriller novels and see how I liked it. I did like actually. It was an interesting novel with interesting ideas. I still had complaints, but they weren’t plot or writing based complaints so it was better.

Now that I’ve managed to read 100 books, I’m thinking that I will try to reach 200 books by the end of the Summer. I think this is possible as long as I incorporate some manga, comics, graphic novels, and shorter books in the mix. There are a lot of books on my TBR list, and I want to get through them all as soon as I can. I just have to see if its possible.

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